Moringa Rose Petal Soap

Just like your internal organs, your skin can greatly benefit from flushing
out toxins. The astringent properties of plants help to dry out infections and wounds and
have proven to be effective in killing germs, leaving skin cleaner and clearer. Moringa is
rich in antioxidants. This Reduces all skin problems. Moringa Provides all Anti-bacterial
benefits. These are rich in Skin-loving vitamins A, E, C, K. Moringa keeps your skin
healthy and radiant. Moringa helps to Softens and Moisturizes skin. This helps to
reduce Anti-Aging properties

No Chemical, No Additives, No Artificial Colors, No Paraffin, No Alcohol, No Detergent

Ingredients: Cold Pressed Coconut Oil, Cold Pressed  Moringa Seed Oil, Cold Pressed Black Cumin Oil, Cold Pressed Castor Oil, Cold Pressed Mahua Oil. Moringa Leaf, Moringa Flower, Hedychium, Spicatum, Oryzas Savita Senna Auriculate, Acalypha Indica, Andrographis paniculate, Patchouli Henna Oil, Rose Petals 

  • Category: Personal Care
  • Weight: 100 g